direction, cinematography, edit & color grading / Marina Mónaco @marinaamonaco
Camera / @fedecabred & Marina Mónaco
KIDS / @_paliament @___s.m.s @_yungeze @_imagenpublica @chimifromtheblock @______y.luna______ @comunistaenojad0 @anitafurlong @sintriburbana @skinipablo @_dgeneracion @k_________ndy @todesquierenflores @claroenvhs
VHS / C@claroenvhs
Graphic Design , Collages & Poster / @___s.m.s
Sound Postproduction / @nahuesintes
Assistants / @valnptrsn @fotosdeana_
Texts by Marina Mónaco
Last text from 3:36min by Harmony Korine
Camera / @fedecabred & Marina Mónaco
KIDS / @_paliament @___s.m.s @_yungeze @_imagenpublica @chimifromtheblock @______y.luna______ @comunistaenojad0 @anitafurlong @sintriburbana @skinipablo @_dgeneracion @k_________ndy @todesquierenflores @claroenvhs
VHS / C@claroenvhs
Graphic Design , Collages & Poster / @___s.m.s
Sound Postproduction / @nahuesintes
Assistants / @valnptrsn @fotosdeana_
Texts by Marina Mónaco
Last text from 3:36min by Harmony Korine

KIDS was filmed during 2019's winter in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
At that moment i was 22 years old.
At that moment i was 22 years old.
This film was shot in 3 different days, in which a group of 14 friends aged between 18 and 22 were hanging out.
KIDS has no script nor actors, we improvised everything.
I just went with my camera to document everything they were doing, trying not to manipulate their actions.
I just went with my camera to document everything they were doing, trying not to manipulate their actions.
I used my own voice over and some stuff I once wrote, before I even knew I was going to film it. I also added at the end a phrase I found from Harmony Korine & Larry Clark's KIDS movie, which I owe them a lot, as many of other coming of age movies.
At the same time I made a record of analog pictures of the full set, i was holding like four cameras at the same time.
At the same time I made a record of analog pictures of the full set, i was holding like four cameras at the same time.
Sofi and I printed pictures, we worked together with their selection and with the texts, for which afterwards she created hand-made collages.
I remember that before starting to film I was kind of nervous, because I've never directed something before.
Pali, the only one I knew at that moment, invited me to a party, a quite under one, where one of the boys of the group played live music, so that I could get to know them better. At the time I found myself dancing techno with them in a basement, I knew something good was coming.
Pali, the only one I knew at that moment, invited me to a party, a quite under one, where one of the boys of the group played live music, so that I could get to know them better. At the time I found myself dancing techno with them in a basement, I knew something good was coming.
The first day of shooting they didn't understand what I was doing at all, but they forgot automatically that i was recording them with my camera and I got familiar with the situation, I became part of the conversations, I managed to follow their rythm of life and we all felt confident.
The third day my talented friend & filmmaker Fede Cabred came and helped me to make smooth shots as he has more experience than me.
I remember that after finishing every shooting day, the kids invited me to hang out with them, making me feel part of the group. Aftwerwards I started attending to parties and events with them, and nowadays they became really close to me.
KIDS was a really large and dense process, it has been definitly hard. It is a very personal project I must say.
It is a memory.
Their memory and mine, of how we perceived the youth, still being young though.
Their memory and mine, of how we perceived the youth, still being young though.
Maybe, while you watch this short film, you'll feel identified and nostalgic for lives that you didn't even live.
Maybe you'll remember someone that lived inside you that already grew and transformed himself.
Maybe you'll remember someone that lived inside you that already grew and transformed himself.
You'll remember the good times and the people you loved.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did shooting it.